1. Introduction
This Email Usage Policy outlines the guidelines and expectations for the use of email within our organization. It is designed to ensure the proper and efficient use of our email system, protect our company's reputation, and maintain the security of our information assets.
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Establish clear guidelines for appropriate email usage
- Protect our organization from legal, security, and productivity risks
- Ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations
- Promote effective and professional communication
1.2 Scope
This policy applies to:
- All employees, contractors, and temporary staff
- Any individual granted access to our organization's email system
- All email communications sent or received using our organization's email addresses or systems
2. General Email Guidelines
2.1 Professional Conduct
When using company email, employees must:
- Maintain a professional tone and language
- Refrain from using offensive, discriminatory, or harassing content
- Avoid discussing confidential or sensitive information without proper authorization
- Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation