1. Introduction

This comprehensive Employee Retirement Policy outlines the retirement benefits, procedures, and support provided by our organization to ensure a smooth transition for employees entering retirement. Our goal is to support our valued employees throughout their careers and into their retirement years.

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to:

1.2 Scope

This policy applies to all full-time and part-time employees who have met the eligibility requirements for retirement benefits as outlined in this document.

2. Retirement Eligibility

2.1 Age and Service Requirements

Employees become eligible for retirement benefits when they meet the following criteria:

Minimum Age Years of Service Retirement Type
65 5 Normal Retirement
62 10 Early Retirement
55 20 Early Retirement with Full Benefits

2.2 Exceptions

Exceptions to these requirements may be considered on a case-by-case basis for employees with extenuating circumstances. Such exceptions must be approved by the Human Resources department and senior management.

3. Retirement Benefits

3.1 Pension Plan

Our organization offers a defined benefit pension plan to eligible employees. The pension benefit is calculated based on the following formula:

Annual Pension = Years of Service × 1.5% × Average of Highest 5 Years' Salary