1. Introduction and Purpose

This Fraternization Policy is designed to establish clear guidelines for workplace relationships within our organization. The purpose of this policy is to maintain a professional work environment, prevent conflicts of interest, and ensure fair treatment for all employees.

1.1 Definition of Fraternization

For the purposes of this policy, fraternization is defined as a romantic, intimate, or close personal relationship between employees that goes beyond the bounds of a typical professional working relationship.

1.2 Scope of Policy

This policy applies to all employees, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or position within the company. It covers relationships between coworkers, as well as relationships between supervisors and subordinates.

2. General Guidelines

2.1 Disclosure Requirements

Employees who enter into a romantic or intimate relationship with a coworker must disclose this relationship to their immediate supervisor or the Human Resources department within 14 days of the relationship's commencement.

2.2 Professional Conduct

Employees involved in a relationship must maintain professional conduct at all times while at work or during work-related events. This includes refraining from public displays of affection, favoritism, or any behavior that may make others uncomfortable.

2.3 Conflict of Interest

Employees must avoid any actual or perceived conflicts of interest that may arise from their relationship. This includes recusing themselves from decisions that may affect their partner's employment, compensation, or career advancement.

3. Supervisor-Subordinate Relationships

3.1 Prohibition

Romantic or intimate relationships between supervisors and their direct subordinates are strictly prohibited. This includes relationships between managers and employees within their chain of command, even if not directly supervised.

3.2 Reporting and Resolution

If a supervisor-subordinate relationship develops, both parties must immediately report it to Human Resources. The company will work to find a suitable resolution, which may include reassignment of one or both employees to different departments or positions.

4. Consensual Relationship Agreement

In some cases, employees in a relationship may be required to sign a Consensual Relationship Agreement. This document acknowledges the relationship and confirms that it is consensual, voluntary, and does not violate company policies.