1. Introduction

This Temporary Layoff Policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for implementing temporary layoffs within our organization. It is designed to provide clarity and fairness during challenging economic times or unforeseen circumstances that may necessitate a reduction in workforce.

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to:

1.2 Scope

This policy applies to all employees of the organization, regardless of position or tenure. However, the implementation of temporary layoffs may vary based on departmental needs, job functions, and legal requirements.

2. Definition of Temporary Layoff

A temporary layoff is a short-term separation from employment due to lack of work, economic conditions, or other factors. It is distinguished from permanent termination by the expectation that employees will be recalled to work within a specified period.

2.1 Duration

Temporary layoffs may last for a period of:

Any layoff extending beyond the maximum period may be considered a permanent termination, subject to applicable laws and regulations.

3. Criteria for Selecting Employees for Temporary Layoff

The selection of employees for temporary layoff will be based on objective criteria to ensure fairness and non-discrimination. Factors may include: